
This blog was conceived as a social experiment. A (free form) place to vent and rant. Voice your opinions and state your views. Throw a topic at me and we will let it fly. All topics & comments will be approved as long as they are not to derogatory or nasty. Even I have my limits. Each will be judged on a case by case basis.

If a comment is ripped from a thread you will be welcome back. All ignorant ass trolls n/a. If anyone goes off of the deep end their comments will be removed asap. (Give me time) No extreme racist views, no extreme sexist views. All subjects are open to criticisms but let’s try and keep a certain sense of decorum.

I’d like to keep comments open. Things will flow smoother that way. Open forums are a great way to relate as long as jackasses do not ruin the over all feel.

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!